• Kundservice

Your Privacy in DNB Bank ASA Sweden Branch

Information on how we process personal data.


Your privacy

To ensure we earn your trust, we strive to be open about how we process your personal data.

Below, you can read about how DNB Bank ASA Sweden Branch process your personal data. You will also receive information about your rights and how you can exercise your rights in practice.

What rights do you have when we process your personal data?

When we collect and process information about you, you have rights under data protection rules and legislation. Below, we will provide you with an overview of your rights, what they entail, and how you can exercise your rights.

We are obliged to respond to you as soon as possible and normally within 30 days at the latest. Sometimes we need some more time to respond to you. If so, we will provide you with an explanation of why it is taking us longer to process your request and when you can expect a response from us.

Your rights

Contact us

Do you have any questions about your rights or other questions concerning data protection? Do not hesitate to contact us at:

The Data Protection Officer
DNB Bank ASA, Sweden branch, org. no. 516406-0161
Postal address: SE-105 88 Stockholm

Person med laptop och mobiltelefon

What type of personal data do we process and where do we collect them from?